I moved to America from Belarus at the age of 7. I lived in several cities throughout Michigan, obtaining my BS in Microbiology from Michigan State University. Following graduation in 2013, I worked as a Research Technician in my undergrad lab under Dr. Ning Li. We studied the effects of ambient air pollutants on models of asthma exacerbation. I worked on two projects studying the effects of Asian sand dust and organic extract from charbroiled hamburger emissions (yes, burgers on a grill) on dendritic cell function. In the fall of 2016 I joined the BBSP program at UNC and the curriculum in Toxicology for my thesis work. In the summer of 2017 I joined the Bahnson Research Group to study how activation of the nrf2 pathway prevents restenosis in vascular disease. In my free time I go to the gym, struggle to live out my dream of becoming a soccer sensation, attempt to conquer the fictitious land of Catan, and enjoy breakfast food.