Earlier this month, Roberto, Nick and Ana represented the Bahnson Group at the IVB/MHI symposium. Roberto was able to present his current findings in an oral presentation, while Nick and Ana presented their research in poster format.
And… we’re back from SfRBM 2018 hosted in Chicago! Nick, Ana and Roberto had the chance to present their research in the Bahnson lab. Our new post-doc, Sophie, joined us and presented her work previous to joining the lab. Edward … Read more
Even in his last day in the lab Bruno is hard at work! Bruno spent all Summer with us and returned to Uruguay recently. We all hope you have a great academic year and come back next Summer. See you … Read more
Nick Buglak, the first graduate student to join the venture at the Bahnson group, has a hot off the press manuscript in the journal of Redox Biology. The paper reveals the role of cinnamic aldehyde as an inhibitor of vascular … Read more
Roberto was awarded the prestigious grant to launch a project focusing on long term molecular imaging of atherosclerosis in mutant ApoE deficient rats. Way to go Roberto!
Morgan started in the lab this past Monday, and we are very excited to have her over the summer. Her summer research experience will focus on characterizing the Nrf2 pathway in the vasculature of Nrf2 KO rats.
The Bahnson Research Group and friends go to Al’s Burger Shack to say good bye and “see you soon!” to Emily and Cheysaliz after a fun and productive 10 weeks full of discovery! Thank you to UNC SOLAR for hosting Emily and … Read more